
2023年12月7日—Thehalfdoublecrochet2together(wow,that'samouthful!)techniquecombinestwocrochetstitchesintoone,thusremovingonestitchfrom ...,2024年4月13日—Work1halfdoublecrochetstitchineachoftheremainingstitches....Toaddanotherrowofhalf-doublecrochet,chain2andturnyourwork.,2022年3月22日—Thehalfdoublecrochettwotogether(alsoknownasHdc2tog)isahalfdoublecrochetdecreasemethodthathelpsyoudecreasetheamo...

HDC Two Together

2023年12月7日 — The half double crochet 2 together (wow, that's a mouthful!) technique combines two crochet stitches into one, thus removing one stitch from ...

How to Half Double Crochet Stitch (HDC)

2024年4月13日 — Work 1 half double crochet stitch in each of the remaining stitches. ... To add another row of half-double crochet, chain 2 and turn your work.

Half Double Crochet Two Together (Hdc2tog)

2022年3月22日 — The half double crochet two together (also known as Hdc2tog) is a half double crochet decrease method that helps you decrease the amount of ...

HDC2TOG, Half Double Crochet 2 Together

2021年6月4日 — Half double crochet two together, or hdc2tog, is the one of the ways in which a decrease can be achieved when working with half double crochet.